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Nuit des musées / Pierres en lumières


Location : HAMBYE

Phone : 02 33 61 76 92



Date : From 18/05/2024 to 18/05/2024

Hour : 20:30

Every year, Hambye Abbey takes part in the annual Pierres en Lumières/Nuit des Musées double event. This year's event will be marked by the inauguration of the "Animals in the Middle Ages" exhibition.

The abbey team is also delighted to welcome the Dimmer's Company for a juggling performance featuring light shows, fire and pyrotechnics. This young Breto-Norman association has a breathtaking show in store for us. A variety of acts will take place in different parts of the abbey as the sun sets, followed by a surprise finale to round off the evening in style.

Candlelight in the halls. Illumination of the church and gardens.

Free admission to explore the entire abbey and its exhibitions.


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